2011年10月28日 星期五




肝臟和憤怒,根據神聖的佐哈爾(Zohar) 據佐哈爾,我們的情緒,尤其是憤怒和急躁,會反應在我們的肝臟!
佐哈爾,然後說,膽汁:  “克服了身體四肢和心臟的動脈”


這個定義強化 Kabbalistic的觀點,人的行為和身體健康之間存在一個重要的連接。
換句話說,佐哈爾表示憤怒來到肝臟所產生的膽固醇,征服了心臟動脈 ... ...” 最終帶來死亡。

動脈的方式 ,“硬化的動脈” -這實際上指的是防止血液流動

調用 1-800-KABBALAH。            1-800-KABBALAH      


The Kabbalah Centre Presents Rosh Hashanah – The Point of Nano-Return
Preparation Guide – Part 4

Continuing from where we left off two weeks ago, let’s go even deeper and see how Rosh Hashanah can prevent heart attacks, strokes, high levels of the bad cholesterol and, in the process, generate world peace at the same time.

This next stuff is pretty amazing, especially when you consider that it was written down 2000 years ago and  medical science only discovered the same things in just the last few decades. 
THE LIVER AND ANGER, ACCORDING TO THE HOLY ZOHAR According to the Zohar, our reactive emotions, notably anger and impatience, manifest in our liver!
A remarkable insight concerning Rosh Hashanah and our liver is presented in the following text of Zohar:

"From the liver and the appendage, emerges the gall, which is the sword of the Angel of Death, from which come bitter drops to kill human beings."

The Zohar then says that the gall:

"Overcomes the arteries of the heart and all the arteries in the limbs of the body"

What is gall?

Interestingly, gall is defined by Merriam Websterís Dictionary as both "bile" and "bitterness of spirit" or "rancor." 
This definition reinforces the Kabbalistic viewpoint that a vital connection exists between human behavior and physical health.
Moreover, it is the liver that secretes gall (bile), and guess what?  The primary component of bile is cholesterol.
High levels of cholesterol are a major cause of atherosclerosis, the hardening and blockage of arteries, one of the most frequent causes of heart disease and death.
In other words, the Zohar says anger goes to the liver, which then creates cholesterol which "overcomes the arteries of the heart..." and eventually brings death.
How does this medical insight connect to Rosh Hashanah?
All the anger and negative reflexive emotions that we’ve expressed throughout the yearappear during Rosh Hashanah as an indictment against us.
In other words, all the negative energy and blockages that we have aroused through our anger manifests as the potential for illness and heart related diseases caused by the liver, according to Kabbalah. It stands there, ready to penetrate the seed of our year.
The Shofar however, is used to purify us, to remove these negative forces and blockages from our arteries and cardiovascular system.
Through the Shofar, good cholesterol levels rise while bad cholesterol levels decrease.  Our blood is cleansed of toxins.  The arteries are cleared of deadly deposits and plaque. All because we planted a seed free of negative energy.

By the way, "hardening of the arteries" -- which really means blockages that prevent blood (or spiritual Light) from flowing, can also occur in other areas of our life.

Essentially, all of our relationships in life are "arteries".
Therefore, the blockage can occur in a marriage relationship.
For instance, when this particular artery is blocked, love and passion can no longer flow between a husband and wife. Call it a heart attack or death in a marriage.
Our various business relationships are also arteries.
The money that flows to us through the deals we make or the work we do, travels through these arteries. When they are clogged, then good fortune fails to flow to us. Or if we cheat in business, the blockages might end up in our physical arteries in our body. We might prosper in business, but we pay for it with hardening of the arteries and a triple bypass.
All the relationships of the world, between people, between business partners, between buyer and seller, between brother and sister, between husband and wife, between parents and children, between one nation and another, these are all spiritual arteries that can become blocked and cause disease when humans behave with intolerance.
Each time you interact with someone in your life, friend or stranger, enemy or family member, you are affecting the "arteries" in your life, and in the world.  Those mood spells of yours dramatically impact your life, whether you know it or not.  And so does your envy. And your denial of all these negative traits.
So, if your behavior in these relationships is governed by reactive impulse and self-interest, it creates a "fatty deposit." If these blockages continue to grow and are left unchecked, "disease" sets in.
The "disease" can then manifest as poverty, war, divorce, kids on drugs, dysfunctional family, global terrorism, or a good old fashioned heart attack!
But in the end, it is our behavior that determines whether or not we have a great year or a rotten year, or something in between.
Any chaos in our life is caused by a blockage that prevents the Light of the Creator from flowing freely into our lives. 

Rosh Hashanah, when it is empowered with the wisdom presented in this email, eliminates the blockages, purifies your life and allows you to plant a positive seed of peace and prosperity for the coming year.So how does all this correlate to world peace?

Glad you asked... 

Israel, according to the Zohar, is the cosmic counterpart of the human heart.
In other words, the entire planet and all the nations are a mirror of the human body.
And each individual is a microcosm of the world.
Israel functions as the beating heart of mankind.

Israel’s relationship to the rest of the world corresponds to the heart’s arteries that carry blood and oxygen to the rest of the body.
The "nations of the world" correspond to the body’s organs and limbs.
Therefore,  the same way that the heart supplies purified blood to nourish the body, Israel furnishes spiritual Light to aid, nourish and heal all the nations of the world.
Guess what?
If Israel does NOT furnish spiritual Light to the nations, they rise up against her, just as the body responds with disease if toxic blood courses through our veins.
But guess what, again?   Just as our remorse for our own personal negative deeds, combined with the sounds of the Shofar, can now remove the “fats and blockages” in our arteries,  our personal effort at Rosh Hashanah removes conflicts and barriers and blockages between Israel and all nations of the world, clearing the way for global harmony and lasting peace in the Middle East!
In other words, peace begins with the man in the mirror and spiritual introspection.
Peace does not begin, peace will never begin, and peace has never has begun, with fund-raising dinners, politics, wars, intellectual debate, and corrupt  religious and secular faith based organizations that have self-appointed themselves to represent the people.
Personal inner peace and accountability lead to world peace. Personal peace and personal health lead to global peace and healthy relationships.
And all of this power will be placed in the palm of your hands at Rosh Hashanah.
IF this information has enlightened you in any way, pass it on to as many people as possible.
We can create personal and global peace THIS YEAR, if enough people are empowered with this wisdom. 

We now present the most vital piece of information, at the very end of this email, for those who are sincere about changing their lives and the world.The ancient Kabbalists revealed a secret technology that empowers the Shofar in unimaginable ways, ensuring that everyone's effort will prove successful.

Only the Kabbalists were given the codes to launch the Shofar's power. Therefore, the Zohar says that if we attend a synagogue and the person blowing the Shofar has not prepared himself for at least 3 days, meditating upon these ancient codes, then there is a real danger that the entire synagogue will receive no benefit from the Shofar. The Zohar is even more hard-hitting and blunt regarding this issue: The Zohar says that if the rav or person blowing the Shofar, does not utilize the Kabblistic formulae and mediations, he will actually bring more judgment down upon his congregation.
People, wake up! Is it any wonder the world has suffered for so many millennia?
Kabbalah is, and always has been, the answer and solution to the world’s problems.
The greatest minds in history believed that deeply -- Jew and non-jew, religious and secular.
People like Newton, Moses, Plato, Jesus, Muhammed, Pythagoras, Abraham and King David all understood the Power of Kabbalah.
So, the Zohar says that if we are in the presence of a true Kabbalist, one who is versed in the codes and meditations associated with the blowing of the Shofar, then all the congregation will rise on the wings of the Kabbalist and see their lives dramatically changed for the positive.
For that reason, Rosh Hashanah 2004 will be held in Israel where thousands of people will come to participate in this global and historic event.
You are hereby invited to change your life, for real, by joining us for a genuine Kabbalistic Rosh Hashanah at the David Intercontinental Hotel in Tel Aviv with Kabbalists Rav and Karen Berg.

For more information call             1-800-KABBALAH      
If you have read this far, then it means you are ready to learn one of the deeper secrets concerning Rosh Hashanah. Consider it a bonus secret. Are you ready? Stay tuned for next week….(sorry, we have to create some suspense.)

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